COLLECTION: HERACLES - HEritage Resilience Against Climate change. Newsletters from the project

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Document type: Report and analysis

Abstract: This is the second number of the newsletter of the HERACLES project. It contains a short description of its objectives, a description of Knossos and one dissemination event. It also provides a synthetic description of the Consortium

Description: This is the second number of the newsletter of the HERACLES project. It contains a short description of its objectives, a description of Knossos and one dissemination event. It also provides a synthetic description of the Consortium

Year of publication: 2017

Author: HERACLES consortium

Owner: HERACLES consortium

Type of owner: EU-funded project

Keywords: Climate changes, Sustainable materials for restoration, ICT platform, Decision support system.

Application sectors:

Historical sites Cultural Tangible and intangible landscapes Restoration and conservation of CH Risk management
Application sectors

Historical sites

Cultural Tangible and intangible landscapes

Restoration and conservation of CH

Risk management

Quick Overview of the HERACLES project

Document type: Report and analysis

Abstract: This newsletter provides an overview of the project.

Description: This Newsletter provides an overview of the project and its objectives.

Year of publication: 2016

Author: HERACLES consortium

Owner: HERACLES consortium

Type of owner: EU-funded project

Keywords: Climate change, resilience, Risk assessment, Cultural Heritage

Application sectors:

Historical sites Restoration and conservation of CH Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency Risk management
Application sectors

Historical sites

Restoration and conservation of CH

Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency

Risk management