Workshop on participatory approaches for territorial cohesion

Timezone: GMT-12:00

Organiser: REACH Project-University of Granada (ES)

Event type: international

Description: The scope of the international workshop on territorial cohesion was to investigate the value of participatory preservation of CH in terms of research advancement and social innovation.The workshop started from the experiences and lessons learnt during the participatory activities carried out in the MEMOLA project, coordinated by UGR. In addition the UGR team invited to participate some experts related with associations and institutions with a long experience in participatory activities from all around Spain. In particular we were pleased to receive the contribution of Jesús Fernández from La Ponte Ecomuseum (Asturias), Carolina Yacamán who presented the experience of Agrarian Park of Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Manuela Martínez from Salvemos La Vega, Sergio Couto from Iniciativas Comunales-ICCA Consortium and Paola Nella Branduini from Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino (Milan, Italy). Workshop webpage:


Application sectors:

Cultural Tangible and intangible landscapes

Eco-systemic services

Restoration and conservation of CH

Nature Based Solutions for Rural and Urban CH

Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency

Heritage communities and participatory approach

Application sectors

Cultural Tangible and intangible landscapes

Eco-systemic services

Restoration and conservation of CH

Nature Based Solutions for Rural and Urban CH

Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency

Heritage communities and participatory approach


Regional/Local development

Knowledge sharing and education



Regional/Local development

Knowledge sharing and education



REACH Project


REACH Project



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